What Is The Best Way To Remove Mattress Stains?

The mattress may be one of the most used but one of the most ignored piece of furniture inside our house. We sleep on it everyday (well, almost everyday) and even lie on it on lazy days and have a movie fest. Of course, because we use it everyday, the mattress is also the most vulnerable to stain attacks. They may come from our food, from our drinks, or even from our own urine. Oops?

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Sometimes we just ignore these stains, or perhaps attempt to brush the crumbs off our mattresses. However, that is not a right nor healthy practice. Food crumbs can easily attract ants and other breeds of insects; it's like giving them an open invitation to live inside your mattress. Liquid spills will do the same and will even become a breeding place for harmful microorganisms like bacteria.

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Not a pretty picture? Well, that is exactly what is happening to your mattress right now if you can't remember a time you ever cleaned it up. But don't worry; it's not too late. You can still regain your healthy mattress back by learning some tips on how to effectively remove the stains from your mattress. Here they are:

Remove the covers and identify the stain

Most probably, your cover has a stain on it as well. Remove the stained covers and put them in the laundry. Most mattress covers are easy to wash. If you have a waterproof mattress cover, it will even be easier as all you have to do is wipe the stain with lukewarm water mixed with some detergent. But still, you need to remove it.

If you can still remember, identify what caused the stain. If you can't think of any specific cause, try examining the stain up close. If it is dark and the user (or one of the user) of the mattress is a woman, it is likely to be blood. If the user is a man, perhaps it is coffee or chocolate. Another common cause is urine. Try going further and smell the stain up close so you would know what it is.

For most stains, clean with soap suds

For most stains especially caused by food and drink spillage, you can use a sudsy solution. It is most effective in tackling fresh stains but can clean older stains as well. This kind of solution is very easy to prepare at home. Mix ¼ cup of mild powdered detergent and a cup of lukewarm water. Don't add more. With an egg beater or whisk, mix the solution until the suds look like whipped cream.

After the suds have become whipped cream-like, remove the suds and rub them into the stain with a dry sponge. Rub it with just enough force to remove the stain but not too much too ruin the fabric of the mattress. If you have to add more suds, try to wring the sponge thoroughly until it is dry. The method will be much less effective if the sponge is wet or damp. Resume cleaning the stain.

For tough ones, use an upholstery shampoo

After cleaning the stain with the suds, wait for it to dry and see if there are some stains remaining. Some stains, the tougher ones, will not be removed by the gentle suds method specified above. If that is the case, you should try using commercially sold upholstery cleaner. Harsh chemicals from it may damage the mattress but it would be better than sleeping on a stain-spotted one.

You can invest on a really tough upholstery cleaner (not just for your mattress but for other furniture as well) that uses enzymes to hasten the cleaning process. They break down the stain and odors biologically so you can be sure your mattress is really clean. Just be sure to follow the instructions or you may be adding damage to your mattress instead.

For urine, clean with vinegar and baking soda

Urine is one of the leading causes of mattress stain. Some may use hydrogen peroxide to combat this but another proven solution is to use vinegar and baking soda. To use vinegar, combine equal parts of lukewarm water and white, distilled vinegar. Spray the solution on the stain and then blot off the excess moisture afterwards. Baking soda is helpful in neutralizing the odor caused by urine. With the area still damp, pour on baking soda and leave it on overnight.

For blood, use some hydrogen peroxide

Blood, unfortunately for women, is one of the hardest kind of stains to clean. The other milder methods mentioned above may not work on blood stain so you can directly use some hydrogen peroxide. Put the solution on the stain using a white rag or white towel (something that will not discolor). You will notice that the area will start to bubble once you apply hydrogen peroxide on it. Keep rubbing on the spot until you see that the blood stain has been removed. Of course, it is likely that the fabric of your mattress will be bleached as well.

What Is The Best Way To Remove Mattress Stains?
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